The libraries welcomes you to join this session of our Authors on the Hill lecture series, where faculty present recent research and speak about the process of publishing their work. For our Spring session of AOTH, Dr. Martin, the Jeremiah W. O'Connor Jr. Chair in Classics, will discuss his recent publication, "Phocion: Good Citizen in a Divided Democracy" (Yale Univ. Press, 2024). Written for readers who are interested in the early development of democracy, but who are not specialists in ancient history, the book explores the lessons that we can today learn from thinking about the long and ultimately disastrous political career of the Athenian leader Phocion (ca. 402-318 BCE). Prof. Martin asks how and why Phocion initially became famous and influential among his fellow citizens at Athens, but then ended up being blamed and executed as a national traitor during the period of Athenians’ fall from being a leading international power and of the violent fracturing of their renowned “direct democracy.”
Masks are strongly encouraged and appreciated at this event. If you have any questions about this event, please contact our Instruction librarian Abigail Roselieb at